What exactly does your vaping device’s battery cell determine?

If you have an older vaping device, you are probably familiar with what happens when the battery abruptly runs out. This is an unintended consequence of having a piece of powerful electronic equipment that is nevertheless small enough to fit in one’s pocket.

However, the majority of the time, it is not your fault if the battery dies. The lithium-ion batteries found in most modern electronic devices go through their charge cycles. During each cycle, the capacity of the battery somewhat decreases, which might cause the battery’s life to gradually decrease over time. In addition, the rate of degradation is influenced by how the battery is used; longer charge/discharge cycles, high C multipliers, and overheating are all factors that might reduce the battery’s lifespan.

Similar to your phone, we frequently lose charge when we’re out and about and are unable to maintain a charge of more than 80%. If you want to send a text message or view a video on your phone, a low battery won’t stop you from doing any of those things, but with your vaping device, it’s a different story.

Having a better cell means you can maintain power output even at low battery levels, and this power is very important as it directly determines what the liquid in your bottle will taste like. This is because the output voltage of the product directly affects how well the liquid atomizes, which is how fine the taste is. So the level and stability of the output voltage are crucial.

We discovered, as a result of GEEKVAPE’s battery cell experiments, that the company tests the output voltage of various products while maintaining the same resistance of the atomizer core. Since Ohm’s law states that I=U/R and P=UI, it is simple to calculate that P=U2/R. We are able to determine the output power of the product by looking at the voltage as well as the resistance.

On this matter, there was a diversity of opinion; some people thought it wasn’t a big deal and said they didn’t mind having to recharge it multiple times to fix the issue; others, on the other hand, believed that they should provide the highest possible level of service for the price that customers paid.

People are able to understand more about the technology that is actually inside the product and are able to select the product that suits them better as a result of this way of conducting tests in the lab, which is another reason why the video that Geekvape sent out this time was indeed a fine decision.