How to Clean Vape Devices
Vaping is a popular way to use CBD, cannabis, and nicotine products. However, unlike smoking, this method of delivery requires more than rolling papers. Consumers use a vape pen that uses a refillable tank or disposable cartridge. These vaporizers require more care and maintenance than smoking, such as regular cleaning to keep it operating correctly.
The Importance of Vape Cleaning
For the best vaping experience, you need to keep your vape device clean. If you don’t maintain it, you can shorten the vaporizer’s lifetime. A quality pen or handheld vape isn’t cheap. Even if you have the money to buy a new device, leaving it dirty or clogged reduces its effectiveness.
Debris and other gunk collecting throughout your vape parts can produce less vapor, causing you to use more product to get the same effect. Cleaning your vape can save you money on vape oil and juice, and reduce the need to replace your hardware.
In addition to clogging your device, it will reduce the flavor of your oils, which could severely dampen your vaping experience. If you regularly use different flavors and products with your vape device, the residue from these can mix and leave a very unpleasant taste behind until you clean it. Even if you don’t deal with various flavorings, other things will ruin the taste of your e-liquid. For example, vegetable glycerin in some e-juice can lead to a burnt taste when you don’t clean your vape enough.
Another problem with a dirty vape is bacteria growth. While the other issues are purely operational, bacteria can be hazardous for your health no matter what substance you’re vaping. Another health concern with vape devices is the mouthpiece, especially if you’re sharing your pen with a friend. Wiping the vaporizer down between uses can prevent the spread of viruses and other germs.
The Anatomy of Your Vape Device
You need to know your pen or box model before you can clean it. Once you know the areas that need cleaning and parts to tread lightly with, you can successfully clean your vape device. The unique components include:
·Tank (holds the vape juice or e-liquid)
·The coil (Might be removable or replaceable)
·Dry herb chamber (Limited to vaporizers for flowers)
·Wax chamber (Limited to concentrates)
Multiple brands make portable vaping machines. The most popular include:
·Kandy Pens
·Boundless Technology
·Dr. Dabber
Always check with the manufacturer for specific instructions before taking apart or cleaning your vaporizer.
When to Clean Your Vaporizer
There are signs that your handheld device needs cleaning. These include:
·Visible resin buildup
·Pulling harder
·Not producing a quality vapor
Cleaning a Vape Tank
Cleaning a vape tank is the easiest part. This step is comparable to washing dishes. If you take these steps often, all you’ll need is dish soap and warm water for a squeaky-clean vape tank. For tanks that are past the rinse and use stage, you need to go a little further.
In addition to warm water and dish soap, you can use propylene glycol to clean it. The PG rinse is a simple and effective way to clean your vape tank and help produce a great flavor after using it again.
Other cleaning agents that are safe to clean your vape tank with include:
·Ethanol (pure grain alcohol)
·Vinegar (rinse thoroughly after to prevent the smell from lingering)
·Baking soda (with water or vinegar)
·Cheap vodka (not isopropyl alcohol)
What is a Vape Tank Deep Cleaning?
Maybe you’ve been bad and haven’t been cleaning your vaping device. It’s been a few months, and it’s really gunky. At this point, a simple cleaning of the components won’t be enough to improve your pen’s operation.
A deep cleaning goes past the simple rinse and wipe down. Also referred to as a soaking rinse, this method is excellent for getting out stubborn stains that are bugging you. To complete these steps, you’ll need a microwave safe bowl, water, and a paper towel.
Place your tank into the bowl filled with water and place it in the microwave for two minutes. Make sure not to overheat it or it may damage the O-rings. Drain the water and gently dry the tank with a paper towel.
Never submerge your pen or handheld device in alcohol. This is dangerous with a device that heats and creates a vapor. Don’t skip the alcohol swab cleaning. You still need to make sure that your buttons and connections aren’t getting sticky from oil or concentrates. When cleaning the device with alcohol, use cheap vodka or ethanol, never use isopropyl alcohol on the inside of your tank.
If it’s too dirty or damaged during the cleaning process, you can replace the tank. For more information about replacement parts, contact the device’s manufacturer. Most brands sell a variety of replacement parts including mouthpieces, coils, and even batteries.
Cleaning Vape Coils (Atomizer)
Cleaning this area is a little more complicated than the vape tank, and it can change depending on the style. This area is also referred to as the atomizer. It sits between the e-juice chamber and the screw adapter. Before taking it apart or cleaning the vape coils, turn it on and let the device heat up. It’s easier to clean the parts when they’re warm.
The vape coils are a little more complicated. You’ll never get these 100% clean and back to working like they’re new. After a certain amount of use, you’ll need to replace the coil. On cheaper models, you may have to replace the device when the coils stop working.
However, cleaning this component will improve your vaping experience. Carefully knock out any buildup on the coils using a damp cotton swab or brush. If you’re still noticing a burnt taste when vaping, then it’s time to change the coils.
For removable and replaceable coils, you can take these out and soak them in vinegar, ethanol, or cheap vodka for a minimum of two hours. You’ll need to rinse it for several minutes under warm tap water. If you have distilled water, use it to rinse them a second time. Blow on the coils to force any pockets of water out. Set it down on a paper towel and let it air dry before putting the device back together.
Many brands either include cleaning kits with their vape pens or sell them separately. These contain a brush, high-quality cotton swabs with long wooden stems, and disinfecting wipes. Consider purchasing a kit to help with cleaning your vaping device.
Cleaning the Mouthpiece
Next to the tank and buttons, your mouthpiece is one of the dirtiest parts of your vaping device. It collects vapor residue, oil, and germs. For wax pens, this component will need more cleaning than other devices. If you’re wearing lipstick or eating while vaping, there’s also a good chance you’ll see a buildup of makeup and food particles. While the makeup is gross but not dangerous, the food can cause a problem.
For a glass mouthpiece, you can use a zipper storage bag with isopropyl alcohol and salt. This process will loosen up any hard chunks that you’re having trouble cleaning. Make sure to rinse away the salt and alcohol thoroughly before putting it back together.
Cleaning Around the Battery
You may have access to the battery with devices that use disposable cartridges. This area needs regular careful cleaning to keep the connection between the cart and device secure. You can clean this area with 97% or higher isopropyl alcohol (ISO) and a cotton swab.
Allow the area to dry before screwing in the cartridge. Pour the alcohol into a small dish to prevent contaminating the container. If you find the cotton swab changing color, use another one and repeat the process until it no longer leaves behind any residue. Never pour a liquid into this area or in any component with circuitry.
Don’t Forget to Air Dry!
After cleaning each part, it’s essential to let it dry before putting it back together. The easiest and safest way to do this is to leave the device apart for an hour or more to air dry. Placing everything back together wet can cause mold growth and may lead to operating problems with your pen. You can use a hairdryer on a low setting to dry it faster. However, too much heat can damage the O-rings and other components.
Tips for Regular Vape Care & Maintenance
Wipe down your pen with a soft cloth after each use. You can use a damp towel to remove sticky areas or stains, carefully avoiding the buttons and charging port. To prevent accidental damage, store your pen when it’s not in use. Always store it in a cool, dry area. Temperatures that are too cold (below 32℉) or too hot (above 104℉) can damage it. If you have a carrying case for it, use it to keep it safe.
Vaping is an excellent way to get the same effect as smoking without harming your lungs. It’s essential to keep your vape pen or similar handheld device clean to continue to have an enjoyable experience. Regular maintenance and cleaning can extend the lifetime of your vaporizer and ensure a safe experience every time you use the device.