Daily-Vape Smokers Are More Likely to Quit
According to “Ramchandar Gomajee” a researcher at “Pierre Louis Institute of Epidemiology and public Health” in France, Adult smokers who tend to vape daily are more likely to quit. The study revealed that smokers can succeed to quit smoking by the help of e-cigarettes, but still, they require to be monitored closely by health experts and doctors to prevent relapse in the long term.
The research reveals that the use of electronic cigarettes has different impacts on the former and current smokers. The high chances are that they help the individuals addicted to smoking quit this habit but also they might draw individuals who already had stopped back to this habit.
Does Vaping Help One Quit Smoking?
Vaping advocates have always promoted it as a method of helping smokers to quit. Although it is hard for one to give up nicotine products, there a lot of health benefits for individuals who become a long-term vaper instead of remaking a smoker.
A new study has compared vaping with various approaches of nicotine replacement, a method of aiding smokers to quit. The results backed up the idea of vaping helping some smokers. The researches took a sample of 900 individuals who wished to quit smoking, and assigned randomly to half of them to be given electronic cigarettes, and the rest were offered with other products of nicotine replacement.
All participant in the study received individual counseling for four weeks. After one year, cessation of smoking was revealed by the amount of carbon monoxide exhaled. In that case, it should be low if an individual quitted smoking and high if one is still smoking. The following are some of the findings:
·The study participant who were assigned to receive e-cigarettes, 18 percent had already quitted the habit while those 10 percent of those assigned other nicotine replacement products had also stopped smoking.
·It was found that among those who succeeded to quit smoking, 80 percent of individuals offered e-cigarettes were still vaping while only 9 percent in the other group were again using those nicotine replacement products.
·There were fewer complains of cough and also phlegm production in the group of e-cigarettes than in the other group.
While the use of e-cigarette was associated at least twice smoking quitting rate, 80 percent or more participants continued to smoke year later. Also, it is good to note that electronic cigarettes used in this research contained less nicotine than other available brands. Therefore, the importance of this difference is still unclear, but probably a high level of nicotine would have increased the rate of addiction to electronic cigarettes.