Beginner E Cig Products
Beginner’s Product Section
At this point you might already know what an E Cig is or understand the concept behind E Cig:
·A Battery
·An Atomizer
·E-Liquid or Flavored Cartridges
We are here to help you choose a beginner E Cig product. Most sites and stores like ours have a beginner’s product section. What exactly does it mean though?
You might be a beginner but do not belong in this section whatsoever. Also, it can get confusing with Starter Kits. We’ll explain more about “Starter Kits” later. One step at a time.
We will be addressing these areas:
·Beginner Products
·Beginner Product Components
·Choosing Between Beginner and Advanced Products
·Starter Kits
We will also show you some beginner products you should consider.
If you’re a beginner to E Cigs and want to learn more about exactly how E Cigs function then please check out What is an Electronic Cigarette and come back here.
Beginner E Cig Products
Beginner E Cigs are targeted towards new electronic cigarette users but are not necessarily for all beginners. The products located in this type of category are aimed around the easiest use possible. Easy to set up and not a lot of confusing buttons.
So, if your tech savvy and like reading manuals, figuring things out, you might not want to blow your money here. Hell, if you read the back of a can of soup before making it you may want to skip the beginner E-Cig products.
Base or Battery:
The perfect beginner E Cig product has one button. You hold it down and you’re off to market. There’s generally not a lot of buttons on the base of the unit because buttons can be confusing. All you want to do is fire the damn thing! That only takes one button. Some E Cig devices don’t need a button, they can automatically sense when you inhale.
Advance products have more buttons for customizing your vape. This can be confusing for the average beginner. We know, it’s a lot of buttons and it can be pretty difficult to try and figure them all out.
One piece atomizer
You might not know what it is but it’s the piece you screw on to the base unit or battery. Some atomizers have a place to insert a drip tip. A drip tip is just another name for mouth piece. But the perfect beginner atomizer has no drip tip. You inhale off the atomizer itself. Nor does the atomizer come apart. The atomizer is one piece and you screw it in the base and done!
More advance atomizers will have a spot for a drip tip and will come apart so you can swap out an atomizer head when it dies. This can be considered for beginners too.
When you start talking about Rebuildables… i.e. RDA’s RBA’s you’re not a beginner and those products will not be found in the beginner category. At least not on this site. Did you say airflow?
To recap:
Beginner E Cig products are the above. A two piece setup or combination. Maybe more pieces, but the idea is that a beginner product is just simple and easy to use. No building, filling, adjusting, fiddling, or charging. Although, the definition of a beginner’s product is changing.
Skipping the Beginner Products
Beginner products are easy to use but often lack a certain amount of power, durability, and customization. If you’re interested in things like:
Customizing Wattage
Refilling tanks with E-Liquid
Experimenting with Coils and Rebuilding
Then you might want to purchase something more advanced. They call these APV. In short Advanced Personal Vapes will allow you to mix and match parts, set the amount of power, and will most likely last longer before breaking or needing to be replaced.
The problem with jumping strait in to a product like this is that most beginners have never really tried or owned an E Cig before. Advanced Personal Vapes tend to be a bit more expensive because there are more parts to buy.
For someone who is not yet sure if an E Cig will help them quite smoke, or is even something they will enjoy, purchasing something really expensive can turn in to a big waste of money. A beginner E Cig is usually something you can try out for a really low price.
Beginner Products to Consider
Beginner products are great because you can try E-Cigs out before making a big investment.
Starter Kits
*Wording is very important when shopping E-Cig categories.
Starter Kits are NOT to be confused with beginner’s kits or beginner E Cig products. Though sometimes they can be called a beginner’s starter kit. The main idea of a start kit is that it gives you everything you need to take at least one vape. That means you purchase that starter kit and you shouldn’t need to buy any extras just to get it going. In this sense, yes they are the same, the difference will be in how difficult each package is to setup and operate. Be wary of Start Kits without the word “beginner” in them. They could come with a pretty advanced base unit and atomizer.